Thursday, June 7, 2018

FNED 502 Social Issues in Education

June 7th, 2018

Defining Racism "Can we talk?
By Dr. Beverly Tatum

The article written by Dr. Beverly Tatum titled Can We Talk? Is about an Era where School segregation was the nornm. Dr. Tatum took her time to investigate and find a way for "racism" to be defined and thoroughly explained.

Throughout the text, Tatum made vast attempts of explaining the meaning behind the word "racism." The article discusses how racism starts at a young age for many people due to limited interaction with others outside of our racial/ethnic/socio-economic/religious backgrounds from our own and the lack firsthand experience with people different from others. It also discussed how stereotypes come from what we have not been told which was interesting perspective to look at for me because we typically say that stereotypes come from pre-conceived notions. The definition of beauty has long been on the basis of race. The article then goes on to discuss prejudice and describe it as preconceived judgment or opinion, based on the limited knowledge people have.

Here is where the article got very interesting.  Dr. Beverly Tatum defines racism as a system of advantage based on race; not just prejudice but a system.  She goes on to define Cultural racism as cultural images and messages that affirm assumed superiority of Whites and assumed inferiority of people of color. Dr. Beverly Tatum attributes racism to what she calls “Smog in the air” Smog is visible at some points but still less apparent at others and yet many people still breathe it in.  Dr. Tatum continues to say that for the dominant culture racism, is not completely our fault but it is our fault.  This comment makes me think of the video I am not Your Negro. Just like Dr. Tatum Mr. James Baldwin Believes that “racism is not a race problem, racism is a human problem. We are all affected by this plague.
Dr. Tatum goes on to say that the “pollution” of the air happens when we allow our personal prejudices to intervene in our lives as we interact with different people throughout our interactions because we lack knowledge of certain groups. The results will be our rejection of the fact that we have prejudices. So we should ask ourselves, do I have positive images of another group before I truly know anything about them? Unfortunately many people create a negative image, perception about other people (group(s) before they even get to meet them.  Other people create negative images, perception about others based on comments made by other

Dr. Tatum goes on to discuss what she calls Passive Racism versus Active Racism. Active racism is racism that continues to superficially display racist ways and ideals such as the KKK. Passive racism is racism in which we see malicious intents happening yet one continues to allow the racism to occur. Who can help to end racism? Society still has a lot of work to do in order to end racial discrimination and social segregation in many communities around the nation. The responsibility to end racism is not exclusive to one race. Rather, the responsibility belongs to all of us.

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